cstermin is a small scheduler for keeping track of recurring events like birthdays or one-time appointments. The appointments are read from an configuration file created by the user and displayed on the console or with the help of a Gtk2 widget.
You can configure how long in advance you want to be informed, whether the entry should be deleted after passing, you want to be messaged every startup or only once a day and other things.
It is intended to be put into the autostart mechanism of your window manager when you usually start your machine at least once a day. Otherwise a cron job should do the job.
To sum up, cstermin follows the philosophy of "a small tool to solve one task" and tries to provide a simple tool for keeping track of all the birthdays and things you want to remember for next month (and always end up forgetting).
Taken from the cstermin documentation.
Appearance of graphical appointment display
You can get the software from the sourceforge project page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cstermin/
page constructed by rola |
last modification: 2006-10-02 |